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How To Take Care of Vinca

June 14, 2022


Annual Vinca!

Annual vinca can be trailing or upright. Trailing vincas are a great option as a spiller out of a container or hanging basket. Upright varieties work well in mass plantings, especially in landscapes where you’re looking to make a big impact with little maintenance.

Vinca flowers are suspended over glossy, emerald green foliage. Many cultivars are described as “with eye.” These varieties feature one color in the center of the bloom that fades out to a main color. Flower colors can be pink, red, white, or purple.

Tattoo Papaya Vinca


Plant Vinca when evening temperatures are at least 60 degrees, typically in mid-May. This plant is heat and drought-tolerant and makes a great plant for warmer parts of a garden area. Plant Vinca in average soil in full sun to partial shade location. Space the plants 12-15 inches apart. Water well after planting. After that, weekly watering is all the plant needs. Mulch around the plants to help retain moisture. Use a general-purpose fertilizer once or twice a season.


Vincas prefer their soil to be on the drier side. Water only when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Between rainfall and sprinklers, one inch of weather per week is recommended. Watering too much can be a common problem with Vincas. Water this plant early in the mornings to allow for the foliage to dry out during the day. This will help to prevent fungal disease and leaf spot.

Cora Mix Vinca
Titan Polka Dot Vinca


At planting time, apply compost to the soil or a slow-release fertilizer. After that, feed the plants once a month with a 10-10-10 nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium water-soluble fertilizer. Avoid using nitrogen rich fertilizers as this can produce too much leaf production with sparse flower production. Container grown Vinca will need more frequent feedings due to nutrients leaching from the soil as water drains. Water well after applying fertilizers.


Use pruning shears to snip back stems that become overgrown, but trim vinca flowers only if they begin to grow out of bounds. Trimming is not necessary if you have unlimited growing space, but control may be needed in small garden beds.

Pacific Red Vinca
Valiant Pure White Vinca


It’s important to note that the sap from vinca is poisonous. Interestingly enough, this plant produces compounds that kill cancer cells. Studies show that the discovery of these compounds has increased the likelihood of survival in leukemia patients.

2022 MVG Varieties