African Violets
Scientific Name: Saintpaulia hybrid
Common Name: African Violet
African violet symbolize devotion, commitment, and faithfulness and are the ultimate plant that keeps on growing long after Valentine’s Day. These easy-to-grow, flowering houseplants offer a wide variety of bloom colors, variegations, and flower type.
Keep soil moist with warm water and strive for high humidity. Do not allow water to contact the leaves to prevent damage, other than light misting. Water from below, or push the water spout into the soil when watering. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water.
They prefer self-watering pots or African Violet pots. They are designed to keep your African violet watered without risking root rot or root damage from over-watering. They also come in handy if you’re worried about getting water on your African violet’s leaves.
They do well in bright light, but not direct sunlight or under fluorescent lights.