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Valentine's Day Houseplants

February 8, 2022


For Valentine's Day!

Flowers might be the obvious choice when it comes to Valentine’s Day gifts but the humble houseplant can be surprisingly seductive, too – and just like the perfect relationship, with the right amount of love and care, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

From heart-shaped leaves and intoxicating scents to natural aphrodisiacs and traditional symbols of love, here are a few of our romantic favorites.

African Violets

Scientific Name: Saintpaulia hybrid
Common Name: African Violet

African violet symbolize devotion, commitment, and faithfulness and are the ultimate plant that keeps on growing long after Valentine’s Day. These easy-to-grow, flowering houseplants offer a wide variety of bloom colors, variegations, and flower type. 

Keep soil moist with warm water and strive for high humidity. Do not allow water to contact the leaves to prevent damage, other than light misting. Water from below, or push the water spout into the soil when watering. Don’t allow the plant to sit in water. 

They prefer self-watering pots or African Violet pots. They are designed to keep your African violet watered without risking root rot or root damage from over-watering. They also come in handy if you’re worried about getting water on your African violet’s leaves. 

They do well in bright light, but not direct sunlight or under fluorescent lights.

African Violet

String of Hearts

Scientific Name: Ceropegia woodii
Common Name: Chain of hearts, collar of hearts, string of hearts, rosary vine, hearts-on-a-string, and sweetheart vine

String of Hearts showcase beautifully-shaped leaves with a gorgeous pattern on its trailing leaves that produce small purple flowers. It is a trailing succulent-like plant that is actually closer to a Hoya than a true succulent. As it does have succulent like qualities, it is one of the most tolerant houseplants. The cascading vines can grow up to 9 feet long, so make sure it has plenty of growing room.

Allow to dry out in between waterings to discourage root rot. They prefer bright light with no direct sun and prefer a terra cotta or clay pot. As a semi-succulent they do not do well in in wet or soggy soil, so well draining is key.

Purple Star Lipstick

Scientific Name: Aeschynanthus Radicans
Common Name: Lipstick Plant

Aeschynanthus radicans, commonly called lipstick plant or lipstick vine, is an epiphytic evergreen vine from Malaysia with slender trailing and arching stems originating in tree branches. It has long, red, tubular flowers in dense terminal clusters. Its leaves are dark green, elliptical, fleshy and smooth-edged. Fruit grows to 1 ½ in long. It is an attractive flowering vine for use in hanging pots.

Pot your Lipstick Plant in fertile soil that drains well and water when the top quarter of soil becomes dry. Provide high humidity, situate in bright, indirect light and maintain indoor temperatures of 75°F to 85°F.

It prefers consistent moisture, avoid allowing the soil to dry out completely by offering watering when the top coupled of inches are no longer damp.

Great for hanging baskets, tall containers, or places where it can vine downward.

To promote the best production of blooms, it’s imperative to place the Lipstick Plant in an indoor location receiving bright indirect light. However, do not place it in a location where the plant receives direct sunlight or the foliage can burn.


Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot Pink, Red, Tricolour

Scientific Name: Hypoestes phyllostachya
Common Name: Polka Dot Plant, freckle face plant

The polka dot plant is an eye-catching little plant with brightly variegated leaves that stand out against most other foliage. With its pink spotted leaves, Polka Dot Plant is a super cute choice for Valentine’s Day. These pretty plants stay relatively small when mature, so they’re perfect for terrariums. Polka dot plants are well suited for indoor use anywhere but you can also grow them as annuals in warm zones. Polka dot plants can get leggy quickly so pinch the plant back on a weekly basis. Use your fingers to snip off the top two leaves on the end of each stem. Regular pruning will encourage the polka dot plant to become bushier.

Requires even moisture to grow well. This is best delivered by planting in a soil that is rich, yet well-draining. Water when the top ¼ to ½ inch of soil has dried out. Fertilize frequently.

Requires bright, indirect light. Unobstructed southern or eastern exposure window, full-spectrum indoor lighting works best.

They have a very small root system and very rarely need a larger container. Stay away from Terra Cotta pots as they have a tendency to dry out quicker.



Scientific Name: Phalaenopsis spp.
Common Name: Moth Orchid

Delicate and graceful, orchids are a symbol of luxury, love, strength and beauty. An orchid’s blooms serve as a daily reminder that someone is thinking of you long past Valentine’s Day. When cared for properly, this exotic flower can last for several months and will continue to bloom year after year. Even in the winter months, orchids are low-maintenance and come in a variety of spectacular colors and unique shapes.

Water the plant weekly or whenever its exposed roots turn silvery white. Water them in the morning and try to keep the potting media slightly damp.

They will thrive in an east window, a shaded southerly, westerly exposure, or under grow lights. Keep out of direct light which will scorch the leaves.

They prefer orchid pots or free-draining containers. Use shallow pots, as orchids like to spread their roots to the sides, not down. They can also be mounted on slabs or grown in hanging baskets. Use Orchid specific soil which will consist of combinations of bark.

Phalaenopsis Moth Orchid
Miniature Rose Plants

Mini Roses

Scientific Name: Rosa chinensis hybrids
Common Name: Mini Roses

Roses, are the symbols of love and Valentine’s Day. What better way to show love than with a plant that keeps blooming all year long. Although these pint-sized beauties are popular gifts, they’re really better off as temporary house guests. Their true home is outdoors, where they’ll thrive in the sunshine and fresh air. If you don’t have a spot in your garden, you can keep your minis in pots on your sunny porch or patio. However, if you do want to keep your rose indoor all year round, make sure it gets enough light, humidity, and regular rose care and it will do fine.

They dry out quickly in containers. Stick your finger in the soil to check for dryness every day or two. Water thoroughly and allow the top 1 in (2.5 cm) to dry out between waterings. Keep soil barely moist in winter. Avoid getting water on the leaves.

They need several hours of direct sun each day, 6-8 hours sunlight per day, preferably in a south-facing window, or investing in special grow lights.

They prefer uncoated ceramic containers that let the air reach the roots and ease their breathing. They also like plastic containers which allows the soil substrate to dry out slower and also heat quickly under the sun. Make sure the pot has good drainage holes.

Remove dead flowers with pruners as soon as they fade to keep plants looking their best and to encourage a long blooming season. Yearly pruning will promote vigorous new growth as well as the overall health of your rose. Roses go dormant in winter and will drop their leaves. Giving roses a rest period in winter will prolong the life and health of the plants.

Jasmine Pink

Scientific Name: Jasminum polyanthum
Common Name: Pink Jasmine

Jasimne Pink is a fast-growing vine prized for its glossy green foliage and spectacular display of pink buds that open to intensely fragrant white flowers. Jasmine’s calming fragrance can be a remedy for stress, anxiety, depression, as well as an aphrodisiac!

In the summer, allow the soil to be moist and let it dry between waterings. Water less in the fall. In the winter and spring months keep the plant slightly dry.

Pink Jasmin prefers full sun to part sun and particularly enjoys south facing windows.

Jasmine likes to be snug in its container, and does well in Terracotta pots. Plant in porous material as well as bark, peat, and other soil that drains well.

Pink Jasmine
Hoya kerrii

Hoya Kerri

Scientific Name: Hoya kerrii Craib
Common Name: Sweetheart Hoya, Sweetheart Plant, Valentine Hoya, Porcelain Flower, Heart Leaf, Lucky Hearts, Wax Hearts,

Hoya kerriis are a slow growing semi-succulent with perfectly heart shaped bright green leaves. They are called a semi-succulent as they are a cross between a succulent and a houseplant. Their leaves do hold water like succulents, but are actually part of the Dogbanes Hoya family and Hoya genus. They are also pet safe. These hearts do not have nodes on them, so they will not grow into a full size vining Hoya kerrii. Called a blind leaf, these planted hearts will stay the same forever.

Unlike true succulents, the Hoya Kerri enjoys high humidity and moist soil. Water when the top inch or so of the soil dries out.

They love the sun. If it starts to turn yellow, move it into indirect bright light.

They also enjoy the security of a small pot and prefers to be root bound.

Gardenia jasminoides (Cape Jasmine)

Scientific Name: Gardenia jasminoides
Common Name: Gardenia

The Gardenia jasminoides is a slightly more high maintenance houseplant. Gardenia’s intoxicating fragrance and creamy white blossoms make it a lovely addition to any experienced houseplant lover. The gardenia symbolizes purity, gentleness, love, and refinement Please note to keep away from pets who chew on houseplants as gardenias are poisonous to pets, creating mild vomiting and/or diarrhea or hives if consumed.

Keep the soil continuously moist without standing water and in a well-lit area that’s draft-free. Place your plant where it will get several hours of bright, filtered light each day. It can withstand part shade.

Gardenia prefer a pot with a drainage hole(s) and rich, well-drained soil; peat-based potting mix.

Gardenia jasminoides
Echeveria Perle Von Numberg

Echeveria Perle Von Numberg

Scientific Name: Echeveria ‘Perle von Nürnberg’
Common Name: Perle von Nurnberg, Pearl of Nurnberg, Pearly Beauty Queen

Echeveria Perle Von Numberg is a rosette shaped succulent with spoon shaped leaves in hues of blue-gray and pink with a hint of purple. This iconic succulent with its pretty lavender color, make this plant extremely attractive and a fabulous rose alternative.

Water deeply and then let the soil dry out completely. Succulents store water in their leaves and will start to wither or feel less plump when it needs watering.

Place in full to partial sun. At least 6 hours of light will bring out the deepest colors this succulent has to offer. Place in south facing window or use a grow light.

They prefer sandy, well-drained soils. A pot with good drainage holes is a must.



Cotyledon Bear Paw

Scientific Name: Cotyledon tomentosa
Common Name: Bear’s Paw

Cotyledon Bear Paws have thick fuzzy green leaves with toothed edges that resemble the fur and claws of a bear and occasionally produce a large orange bell-shaped flowers during spring. The teddy-bear of the succulent world. This African native succulent has dense branches reaching up to 20 inches keeping this succulent compact and able to offer ground coverage to a space.

These succulent plants like to be thoroughly watered during the summer months when the soil feels dry to touch.

However, be cautious when watering during the winter season as it tends to lose the roots when in prolonged cold or wet soil.

It is ideal to utilize the soak and dry method and ensure the soil is completely dry between watering.

If there is no rainfall, be sure to water this plant thoroughly once a week.

For potted plants, be sure to drench the soil thoroughly till the water starts draining out from the bottom of the pot.

It doesn’t require much water during the winter season, just enough to avoid letting the soil completely dry out.

The bear claw cactus loves the bright light but not direct sunlight with ample airflow.

Make sure to plant Tomentosa in a spot where it gets plenty of bright light for at least six hours a day.

When planting indoors, place it near a south-facing window, so the plant gets plenty of light.

They prefer a well-draining and slightly larger container than their root system.

bear claw succulent
Callisia Repens Pink Panther

Callisia Repens Pink Panther

Scientific Name: Callisia reopens ‘Pink Lady’
Common Name: Turtle Vine, Pink Lady, Pink Turtle, or Tricolor

A newer super cute and rare miniature houseplant with beautiful pink and light green variegation with adorable foliage. It has attractive pink and light green stripe pattern leaves that grow compact and trailing. When the plant flowers, you can expect it to produce white flowers from late spring to early summer.

Callisia prefer moist soil but not wet. Water whenever the top inch of the soil slightly dries. Water from the top only, as it has a shorter root structure.

As a tropical plant, Callisia prefers a humid environment in a spot of indirect light or partial shade, doing best in the temperature range of 50°-86°F (10°-30°C).

To care for Callisis Repens indoors is quite an easy task with the proper steps taken. They are best kept in hanging pots which allows the foliage to grow well. You can also pot it in a traditionally structured pot, but regular pruning would be needed. Fill the pot up with peat, soil balls, or pebbles to prevent any form of root rot.


Scientific Name: Bromeliaceae
Common Name: Aregelia, Blushing Bromeliad, Bromeliad, Crimson Cup, Marbled Fingernail, Miniature Marble Plant, Neoregelia, Ossifragi Vase, Striped Blushing

Bromeliads are unique tropical epiphytic beauties that come in a wide range of colors, with large spiky flowers lasting for several months. They add an exotic touch to the home and bring a sense of the tropics and sun-kissed climates. The colorful buds live between 6 months to a year and than will grow pups at the base of the plant.

They generally tolerate temperatures from 50 to 90 degrees and need a sunny spot in the house for the best leaf color. Plant in a soilless medium to provide a well-drained environment. Keep the center vase filled with freshwater- rainwater is best and allow the potting medium to dry completely between waterings. You’ll want to water both the soil and cup and mist with a spray bottle every couple of days.

The flowers are small and appear in the center vase with tubular blooms opening a few at a time. This plant is generally grown for its leaves more than the flowers. Once the plant has finished blooming, it will form “pups” at the base of the plant which when big enough can be removed and repotted. The mother plant will fade and die.



Scientific Name: Anthurium
Common Name: Flamingo Lily or Painter’s Palette

Anthuriums get their name from the Greek words “anthos” and “oura,” meaning “tail flower.” Anthuriums are epiphytic evergreen tropicals known for their attractive waxy spathes (flowers) and contrasting dark green foliage. These heart shaped spathes (flowers) are one of the longest-flowering of houseplants. With its bold colors, unique heart shape and tropical origins, the Anthurium is a symbol of exotic beauty.

Water when the top 50-75% of the soil is dry. Water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer.

Your Anthurium loves a humid environment, so feel free to mist every day. Use a pebble tray or a humidifier during the winter months when the air tends to be drier. It also prefers temperatures between 65-80 degrees during the day and no cooler than 60 degrees at night. Avoid placing your plants near heating and air conditioning vents and fans.

Your Anthurium prefers bright indirect light. Direct sun may burn the leaves. The more light the plant receives, the more blooms your plant will produce.

Feed once a month during the spring and summer with a liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.

Anthuriums are toxic to pets and humans. Typically, ingestion will cause mouth and skin irritation, stomach pain and irritation with possible vomiting.