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The Benefits of Espoma Organic Products

July 6, 2022


Organic Materials!

Espoma fertilizers, amendments, and soils are made from long-lasting, organic materials that break down slowly over time, providing steady, continuous feeding for your plants. They are naturally low in salts and contain no chemicals, fillers, or sludges, so there is little risk of burning or overfeeding. They are also enhanced with mycorrhizae—naturally occurring organisms that bind to the plants’ roots and encourage stronger growth.

Espoma Products

Organic Fertilizer

For over 85 years, Espoma Tones have defined the naturally beautiful garden. From their famous Holly-tone® to their fastest-growing product, Bio-tone Starter Plus®, each is a complex blend of long-lasting natural ingredients.

Long-lasting natural organics break down slowly for steady, continuous feeding.
Contains Bio-tone® microbes.
Adds organic matter to soil.
Naturally low in salts so it won’t burn.

Order online for curbside or in-store pickup:

Bio-Tone Starter 












Potting Soils

A complete line of potting soils and soil amendments that can be used for organic gardening. Each mix contains a rich blend of only the finest natural ingredients. No synthetic plant foods or chemicals are used.

All-Natural & Organic
Premium Quality Blends
Enhanced with Myco-tone Mycorrhizae

Order online for curbside or in-store pickup:

Potting Mix

Moisture Mix

Seed Starter

African Violet Mix

Cactus Mix

Orchid Mix

Raised Bed Mix

Mushroom Mix

Garden Soil, All Purpose

Garden Soil, Vegetables & Flowers

Earthworm Casting

Peat Moss



Espoma Soil Mixes

Single Ingredients

Comprised of 100% natural and organic ingredients, these products are pure plant food with no fillers or sludges. They enrich your garden with the best the Earth has to offer.

Approved for organic gardening.
Pure, premium products – no fillers or sludges.
Hard to find products for the avid and environmentally conscious gardener.
Large and small bag sizes – the right size to fit the job.

Order online for curbside or in-store pickup:

Bone Meal

Blood Meal

Garden Lime

Soil Acidifier


Garden Gypsum

Triple Phosphate 6.5lb

Liquid Fertilizer

The Espoma Organic Liquid Fertilizers are scientifically proven to grow bigger, better plants with larger blooms. These liquid concentrates contain natural proteins that are enhanced with kelp extracts, humic acids, and a proprietary set of beneficial microbes that provide maximum results.

Order online for curbside or in-store pickup:

Cactus Food

Orchid Food

Violet Food

Tomato Food

Bloom Food


Vegetable Soil