1.5 Raised Bed Mix

SKU: 233964 Category:

Create the ideal growing environment for all raised bed plantings. Enhanced with alfalfa, kelp & feather meal. With Myco-tone mycorrhizae.


Fill the raised bed with Espoma Organic Raised Bed Mix.

Add the appropriate amount of Bio-tone® Starter Plus for the area. Mix thoroughly.

Plant seeds or live plants following package directions or tag instructions.

Water thoroughly after planting, then as needed until plants are established.

Begin regular fertilizer program 30 days after planting.

How Many Bags Do I Need?
Area (Sq. Ft. 6″ Deep Bed 12″ Deep Bed 20″ Deep Bed
2 ft x 2 ft Bed 2 Bags 3 Bags 5 Bags
4 ft x 4 ft Bed 6 Bags 11 Bags 18 Bags
4 ft x 8 ft Bed 11 Bags 22 Bags 36 Bags